Governor Parson signs Executive Order reorganizing the Department of Higher Education

Gov. Parson signed Executive Order 19-03 on Jan. 17, which moves the Division of Workforce Development and the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center from the Department of Economic Development to the Department of Higher Education. This transformational change will align Missouri’s workforce with higher education, giving Missourians one resource for a full range of post-secondary options – from apprenticeships to certificates to doctoral programs.

The Executive Order will be deemed accepted unless the House or Senate rejects it within 60 days via a simple majority vote by either chamber. If the Executive Order is not rejected, it will take legal effect on Aug. 28, 2019. Since we will receive the Division of Workforce Development’s budget beginning  July 1, 2019, we will share some functions through an MOU.

Governor Parson delivers State of the State address

Gov. Parson delivered the State of the State address on Jan. 16. His address focused on two major themes – workforce development and infrastructure. The Governor highlighted his commitment to higher education through the funding of Fast Track and MoExcels, at $22.2 million and $16.3 million respectively. Fast Track is a new financial aid program that addresses workforce needs by encouraging adults to pursue an industry-recognized credential in an area designated as “high need.” MoExcels funding will facilitate development and expansion of employer-driven education and training programs and initiatives to substantially increase educational attainment.

Gov. Parson also released his Missouri budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2020. Overall, the Governor recommended a total of $1.3 billion for higher education, which includes his proposal to move the Division of Workforce Development under the department.

Highlights for Higher Education: